Saturday 11 June 2016

Goa Tujuh Laweung

Seven Caves is located in Jalan Banda Aceh - Medan KM 100 , Laweung village , Muara Tiga , Pidie district , Aceh. Seven Goa is a cave that is considered a relic of history by the people of the area Laweung. There are seven doors to enter the cave Laweung. Seventh -door has a side that is different.

Seven Caves is surrounded by mountains that are not air the forest , often called the mountain rocks. When entering the Cave of the Seven must be careful. Because of the way that leads Tomb called the Aulia is still damaged. The road is steep and many rocks , so visitors difficult for driving a motor vehicle or bus travel.

With a panoramic view of the rocks on the sidelines during bukittinggi , Cave of the Seven is located on the border west. Precisely the border with the area near the southern Laweung. Certainly has its own beauty are top of the cave.

Seven Caves a Pilgrimage tour , because the place is the hermitage of the Aulia. Cave of the Seven Holy Caves , because in the cave became a gathering place for Aulia , through their ascetic way pilgrimage to Mecca. According to the story of the Seven Caves has 28 Cave , with the main door numbered seven. As Caves next door openers.

Only seven doors that can be entered by people , whereas today the remaining four-door is still wide open. The others were already closed and inaccessible for various reasons that exist. The cave can only direction is too broad and could be entered if lost in them.

Also in the cave seven nothing other than a flashlight lighting the visitors who come , so it looks pitch black when they enter the Cave of the Seven. In the Cave of the Seven carved verses of Allah which is clearly written on the stones of the Caves.

Bismilah carving is not a human creation , but already there on the rocks above the cave roof. Usually writing verse that God will put out a trickle of water , and the water in the drum disposed. Once the water can cure various diseases.

Not only that, the cave was once inhabited by the clergy and the royal government , proved the existence of a wedding , and kitchen. As well as many in which goods can be taken to date. Although through the Hermitage which is often done by the scholars of earlier scholars.

 foto dari link rheinduniatulisan[dot]blogspot[dot]com

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